A good idea On Demand Web Components
"Mini Wheel"
Releasing from redeveloping the wheel.
Mini Wheel won't let you do it again yourself.
By using Mini Wheel
You can embed easily a "Nav(nav header)" and "Scroller(back to top button)" to your own site.
So you can create a part of your site very easily and quickly.


👀 Demo Preview
Nav(nav header)
Insert the below link and script tags to inside of head tag of your site.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://mini-wheel.pro/asset/css/mw_nav_default_theme.css" data-turbo-track="reload"> <script type="module" src="https://cdn.skypack.dev/@hotwired/turbo@7.1.0"></script> <script type="module" src="https://mini-wheel.pro/asset/js/mw_nav.js"></script> </head>
Insert and custom the turbo-frame tag to inside of body tag of your site.
<body> <turbo-frame class="mw_ly_navContainer" id="mw_nav" target="_top" src="https://mini-wheel.pro/nav?logo=%2flogo.png&brand=Brand&items[]=%2f:🏠%20%20Home&items[]=%2fabout.html:🏢%20%20About&items[]=%2faccess.html:🗺%20%20Access"> </turbo-frame>
Scroller(back to top button)
Insert the below link and script tags to inside of head tag of your site.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://mini-wheel.pro/asset/css/mw_scroller_default_theme.css" data-turbo-track="reload"> <script type="module" src="https://cdn.skypack.dev/@hotwired/turbo@7.1.0"></script> </head>
Insert the turbo-frame tag to inside of body tag of your site.
<turbo-frame class="mw_ly_scrollerContainer" id="mw_scroller" target="_top" src="https://mini-wheel.pro/scroller"></turbo-frame> </body>
🎉 That's all. 🎉
💰 Pricing
It's free for now.🎉
You can donate me if you could. Thank you for your supporting 😉