A good idea On Demand Web Components

"Mini Wheel"

Releasing from redeveloping the wheel.

Mini Wheel won't let you do it again yourself.

Mini wheel logoBy using Mini Wheel

You can embed easily a "Nav(nav header)" and "Scroller(back to top button)" to your own site.

So you can create a part of your site very easily and quickly.


Nav sample animation gif


Scroller sample animation gif

👀 Demo Preview

Nav(nav header)

  1. Insert the below link and script tags to inside of head tag of your site.

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://mini-wheel.pro/asset/css/mw_nav_default_theme.css" data-turbo-track="reload">
      <script type="module" src="https://cdn.skypack.dev/@hotwired/turbo@7.1.0"></script>
      <script type="module" src="https://mini-wheel.pro/asset/js/mw_nav.js"></script>
  2. Insert and custom the turbo-frame tag to inside of body tag of your site.

      <turbo-frame class="mw_ly_navContainer" id="mw_nav" target="_top"

Scroller(back to top button)

  1. Insert the below link and script tags to inside of head tag of your site.

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://mini-wheel.pro/asset/css/mw_scroller_default_theme.css" data-turbo-track="reload">
      <script type="module" src="https://cdn.skypack.dev/@hotwired/turbo@7.1.0"></script>
  2. Insert the turbo-frame tag to inside of body tag of your site.

      <turbo-frame class="mw_ly_scrollerContainer" id="mw_scroller" target="_top" src="https://mini-wheel.pro/scroller"></turbo-frame>

🎉 That's all. 🎉

💰 Pricing

It's free for now.🎉

You can donate me if you could. Thank you for your supporting 😉

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